In time, gravity, sun exposure, and the stresses of daily life take their toll on our faces: deep creases appear beside the mouth, the jawline slackens, and folds and fat deposits appear on the neck. A facelift at Miami Aesthetic can counteract these problems by lifting facial tissues into a more youthful position and trimming excess skin, giving your face a fresher, firmer, youthful look. In some cases may be combined with BOTOX or tummy tuck for a total makeover.
Dr. Pazmiño has extensive experience in performing facelifts and producing a natural post-surgical look, not a “stretched tight” or operated-on appearance. He takes the time to listen to each patient during the initial consultation to learn what he or she wishes to gain from a facelift, discusses what the patient can realistically expect from surgery, and strives to achieve the patient’s cosmetic goals.