Are you thinking about getting a tummy tuck? If you are, you need to consider what the procedure is and what the recovery period will involve. To boost your recovery and maximize your comfort, your cosmetic surgeon will provide detailed post-operative guidance.
You will want to resume your normal activities as soon as possible after your surgery. But it is important to give your body adequate time to heal. Following the procedure, you may need to stay in your doctor’s office for several hours. Your cosmetic surgeon may also ask you to stay overnight or longer.
Recovery Timeline
The real recovery will begin once you go home. You need to talk about your recovery time frame with your cosmetic surgeon. You might have to take a break from certain activities or aspects of your life as you recover.
After the surgery, your surgeon will leave your drains in for a few days. However, he/she will show you how to take care of them. While they are still in place, your surgeon will likely prescribe an anticoagulant or an antibiotic. You will also need to wear an abdominal corset or binder for about one and a half months to support your abdomen and prevent the buildup of fluid.
Things to Do
The recovery period for a mini-tummy tuck is usually shorter, but you will still need to avoid strenuous activities during this time. This includes any heavy lifting or vigorous exercises.
Follow a Regular Schedule With Antibiotics and Pain Medications
Do not wait until the pain becomes unbearable before taking pain medication. It is important to follow your surgeon’s recommendations when it comes to taking your medications. This will help keep infections and pain under control.
Consume Foods Rich in Fibers to Avoid Constipation
Constipation is a common problem that tends to occur after most types of surgical procedures. Often, it is simply an uncomfortable feeling. But after a tummy tuck, it can become a serious problem, causing excessive contracture of the muscles in your tummy.
This can lead to unnecessary pressure on your tummy muscles during the recovery period. It is important to avoid constipation and bloating during this period by drinking lots of fluid and choosing a fiber-rich diet.
Things to Avoid
You should avoid walking with your back too straight for a week or two after surgery. You do not want to place unnecessary pressure on your incisions. Also, you should avoid sneezing, coughing, or laughing too intensively. If you enjoy dipping your body in a tub full of bubbles and hot water, you should not do so for the first few weeks of post-operation.
You also need to take a break from the gym for a minimum of two months after your surgery. Lifting heavy weights or engaging in strenuous activities can lead to the rupture or breach of your incisions. It can also lead to intense discomfort and pain later on.
One of the most important stages of tummy tuck surgery is the recovery period. You need to follow a set of post-operative rules to avoid complications and achieve your intended results. But your recovery will depend on several factors, such as your weight, overall health, and age. It will also depend on the type of tummy type procedure you undergo.
To learn more about recovering from a tummy tuck, visit Miami Aesthetic at our office in Miami, Florida. You can call 305-851-3020 today to schedule an appointment.